
Only in America

It's not the QUALITY of this photo that's important...it's the subject. To that end, this is what you get when you chop off the front of an old pick-up truck and solder(sp) it to some planks with wheels. CLASSY!


Aubrey said...

That's fabulous. I think I could guess what part of town you were in.

jillmaren said...
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jillmaren said...

That's the beauty of it...the picture was taken outside my apartment, located between fabulous Paradise Valley and North Mountian Village. What we have here is a classic case of the lone white trash house mucking up the neighborhood. Note the start of the mountain preserve to the left of the photograph.

Aubrey said...

Oh that bites. I was sure you were making a trek to your favorite out of the way taco stand when you snapped that photo. Alas.