
After the Convention: Co-workers and alcohol

Looks like someone's been hitting up the tanning bed a bit more often than recommended... (Las Vegas, NV).

I have no idea what to say to this (Las Vegas, NV).

Obviously, I had clue where, exactly, the camera was pointed (Las Vegas, NV).

This guy was soo READY (Las Vegas, NV).

The boss finally lets loose (he's the tall skinny white guy in the blue polo)

I find Vegas is more 'delightful' sans flash

Before the convention: co-workers and Nobu

Looks like a couple people may have had a bit too much to drink. The result: I am molested by co-workers (Las Vegas, NV).


Christy makes everyone look like a giant...and those chopsticks were actually about a foot in front of her chest (Las Vegas, NV).


I make friends wherever I go (Venice, CA)

How hard can I pretend that my piscture ISN'T being taken? (Venice, CA)

Attempting a feat of strength only few can achieve... (Santa Monica, CA)

Only in California: gym + beach (Santa Monica, CA) Posted by Picasa